

EXCHANGE OF GOODS – RETURN FOR STORE CREDIT In case of a request for an exchange of goods for store credit, we will collect the ITEM TO BE RETURNED and send you a PROMOTIONAL CODE equal to the amount spent, usable on our official website for the purchase of any product. Make the payment of €10 for the collection and shipping fees by purchasing the virtual product available at this link.


Prepare the package for shipment using a new shipping envelope or the original one without the initial document and/or any shipping labels, making sure to seal it well with packing tape.

If you intend to change the return address, please inform customer service immediately by providing all replacement data (NAME, SURNAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE, CITY, PHONE, AND EMAIL) in full, otherwise, the collection will take place at the same delivery address you entered during the order.


Contact our customer service by filling out the form below with your request. A ticket will be opened, and you will shortly receive a confirmation email. Our team will respond as soon as possible, considering that the service is active from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm.


At the end of the procedure, we will send you a document to print and affix on the envelope containing the merchandise to be returned, and we will book the collection for the next working day after the request at the address you indicated during the order. The collection time, from 10 am to 5 pm, is subject to arbitrary variations by the courier and cannot be agreed upon in advance. Once it has arrived in the warehouse and checked by our staff, we will send you the requested replacement merchandise, alternatively, the exchange or the store credit as agreed previously.

Please note that this procedure can only be carried out once.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Validity

These terms and conditions govern the sale and supply of products by Flickmates to you. Flickmates may amend these terms in the future. Any changes to the current terms will be communicated via email to registered users and will take effect immediately upon publication on the website.

  1. Contract between you and Flickmates

There is no commitment between you and Flickmates until Flickmates has sent you an email confirming receipt of the order and its acceptance. Flickmates has the right to withdraw from any commitment in case of obvious errors or inaccuracies concerning goods or orders appearing on the Flickmates website.

  1. Prices and Availability

The prices of Flickmates products are clearly stated on the website and include VAT. In addition to the product price, shipping costs apply, the amount of which varies depending on the quantity and weight of the total order, as well as the delivery method. The price and availability data displayed on the Flickmates website are subject to change without notice, but the price indicated at the time of ordering applies for payment.

  1. Product Delivery

Flickmates will deliver the ordered products to the address you provided during the order confirmation. All delivery times stated on Flickmates are estimates based solely on normal order processing and delivery times stated by the carriers. The couriers used do not make advance phone calls or handle requests for shipments at specific times. Indicatively, without any obligation for Flickmates and subject to any force majeure, the goods will be delivered by Flickmates to the courier within 24 hours (working days).

  1. Liability

Flickmates assumes no responsibility for disruptions due to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods, and other similar events that prevent, in whole or in part, the execution of the shipment within the times agreed upon by the contract. Flickmates will not be liable to any party for damages, losses, and costs incurred as a result of non-performance of the contract (due to the aforementioned causes), with the consumer having the right only to a refund of the price paid. Similarly, Flickmates is not responsible for any fraudulent and unlawful use by third parties of checks and other means of payment when purchasing the products.

  1. Right of Withdrawal

The customer has the right to withdraw, without any penalty, within and no later than 14 working days from delivery. Subjects not classifiable as consumers, i.e., those acting for purposes related to any professional activity carried out, namely VAT subjects requesting an invoice, are excluded from the legislative decree. The right of withdrawal is exercised within the specified period, subject to authorization request to the email address The return of clothing (including accessories) is allowed if the products are defective or not in the ordered size. In these cases, the service is free, and the return shipping costs are always borne by Flickmates. The products must not be used, must be intact upon receipt, not worn or stained, must be in the original packaging, complete with labels, and any other possible part that composes them. Failure to observe these principles renders the right of withdrawal inapplicable. We kindly ask customers to cooperate with us by following our procedure for returns and not to send us goods for which the right of withdrawal does not apply. In the event of a return, the customer can request a refund via Voucher or in cash. The issuance of the Voucher occurs immediately after the completion of the return procedure and is valid for one year for a future purchase on Flickmates. In case of cash refund, the same method used for payment of the order will be used: if the purchase was paid by Credit Card/PayPal Account, the refund will be made directly to the card/account used for payment, while if the order was paid by Cash on delivery, the refund will be made by bank transfer to the customer’s current account. The issuance of the cash refund may take up to 14 days. Once the goods have been received and their condition verified, Flickmates will calculate the value of the refund and inform the customer accordingly. The value of the Voucher is never refundable in cash. In the presence of discounts resulting from the use of Vouchers, we will manage the return as follows: In case of products returned by customer’s choice, the amount of the originally applied discount will be entirely deducted from the value of the returned products. In case of defective products or errors made by Flickmates, if the returned product was affected by the Voucher used for the order, only the discount component related to the product itself will be subtracted. This will be calculated proportionally using the formula: Discount / Amount of products affected by the Voucher * Amount of returned products. For cash refund, if the original shipment was discounted, if the amount of products returned due to defect or Flickmates error combined with the products remaining in the customer’s possession after the return, net of any remaining discounts not previously deducted from the amount of returned products, no longer meets the conditions for free shipping, the shipping cost will be deducted from the refund amount. In case of refund via voucher, the eventual cost of the discounted shipping expense originally will never be subtracted from the refund amount. Note: if the right of withdrawal does not apply, the products will be retained at our headquarters. It will be the customer’s responsibility to arrange for shipping to collect the goods at their own expense.

  1. Buyer’s Obligations

The consumer undertakes and obliges, once the “online” purchase procedure is completed, to print and keep these general conditions, which, moreover, will already have been viewed and accepted at the time of registration and/or order confirmation. 7.1 These general conditions may be updated or modified at any time by Flickmates, which will communicate them via email. The consumer undertakes and obliges, whenever there is a modification of these general conditions, to print and keep them. 7.2 The buyer is strictly prohibited from entering false, invented, and/or fantasy data during the purchase and registration process. Personal data and email must be exclusively their own real personal data and not those of third parties, or fantasy. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or to enter third-party data. Flickmates reserves the right to legally pursue every violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers. 7.3 The customer indemnifies Flickmates from any liability arising from the issuance of incorrect tax documents due to errors related to the data provided by the customer, as the customer is solely responsible for the correct insertion. Since it is not possible for Flickmates to verify the truthfulness of the data sent to us and the real age of our customers, the buyer assumes full responsibility, implicitly declaring, through the confirmation of the order itself, to have reached the legal age.

  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Contracts between you and Flickmates will be subject to Italian law, and all disputes will be under the jurisdiction of the Rome Tribunal.

Privacy Policy


This privacy policy describes how the website manages personal data of users who visit it, as well as the data processing practices of data transmitted by the user to the Data Controller through this website. In compliance with articles 13 (for data collected from the data subject) and 14 (for data not collected from the data subject) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the following information is provided to Users of this Website, which exclusively refer to the processing carried out through said Website and not through other websites possibly visited via links from it, for which it is suggested to consult the respective information provided by the respective Controllers. This Website and the services possibly offered through the Website are reserved for individuals who have reached the age of eighteen. Therefore, the Data Controller does not collect personal data related to individuals under the age of 18. Upon request by such Users, the Data Controller will promptly delete all inadvertently collected personal data.

  1. Data Controller

Associazione Culturale Cinematografica FLICKMATES, Via Lorenzo il Magnifico 34, 00162 Roma RM, CF 96564650586 (hereinafter also referred to as FLICKMATES or “Controller”), as the data controller of the personal data of users of the website (hereinafter, “Users”), hereby provides the privacy information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (hereinafter, the “Privacy Code”) and pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “Regulation,” the Regulation and the Privacy Code together referred to as the “Applicable Law”).

The Controller reserves the right to appoint a Data Processor for the personal data processed for technical assistance, maintenance, technical management, and similar purposes of this Website, a web agency, or a consultant, whose details can be provided upon request to the addresses indicated above. The Controller and the Processor also process the data of Users through their internal Delegates, specifically designated and provided with instructions for the correct processing of personal data, even orally.

The Data Protection Officer Alessandro Marzullo can be contacted via pec:

  1. Category of processed data and sources / Purpose of processing

Category of processed data and sources

Navigation data

Cookies, for which we invite you to read our Cookie Policy

Data voluntarily provided by the user, including:

  • Common data (identifying data, personal data, billing data, and similar)
  • Exceptionally, special data (Art. 9 GDPR)
  • Exceptionally, criminal data (Art. 10 GDPR)

Sources: navigation, other websites, cookies, and similar; user; public sources.

We may primarily process navigation data and cookies. We may also process data voluntarily provided by the user, for example, through the contact form or sending an email communication, including common personal data (identifying, personal, billing, and similar) and exceptionally special data pursuant to Art. 9 GDPR or criminal data pursuant to Art. 10 GDPR only to the extent necessary based on the information request received.

The data may come from automatic sources or voluntary sources, as well as from public sources. For example, they may come from the user’s navigation, which may bring with it information regarding previous consultations of other sites, including in particular cookies and other similar technologies. The data may also be voluntarily provided by the user or related parties. Other data may come from public sources, such as those processed in the context of searches and coming from searches, public databases, and similar.

Purpose of processing

The personal data of Users of the Website, as described above, will be processed in the ways and forms prescribed by the GDPR, for the performance of the functionalities of the Website, with particular, but not exclusive, reference to the data collection procedures described therein, contact forms, possible registration/access to reserved areas, newsletter subscription, and similar. In particular, the personal data provided to the Controller will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To follow up on specific requests addressed to the Controller by the User through the Website and its communication tools (contact forms, information request forms, and similar);
  • For any newsletter subscription and subsequent sending of commercial and various informative communications concerning the sector in which the Controller operates, with specific consent given by the user;
  • For informative communications related to the services of the same Controller, following the request for information via email messages or completion of contact forms and other communication tools;
  • For other ancillary purposes or related to those mentioned above and in any case falling within the scope of the Website activities;
  • For processing the email address provided by the data subject in the context of the sale of a product or service, also aimed at sending, without further consent, communications for the subsequent direct sale of products or services similar to those subject to the sale itself; the data subject may in any case express their refusal and object to such processing, both initially and subsequently, easily and free of charge, by following the instructions provided in each subsequent communication.

The processing of data provided generically will be carried out, also following automatic collection during navigation, solely for the purposes of verification and control of access to the Website. This also applies to technical cookies, to be understood as session, functionality, or analytics cookies that meet the specific requirements specified by the Guarantor. In particular, with regard to the latter, it is clarified that they can be assimilated to technical cookies where these are created and used directly by the Website. In any case, for these analytics cookies, the Website, also in accordance with the clarifications of the Guarantor, has provided for the anonymization of IP addresses and the amendment to data processing; the collection and use of such navigation data (while IP addresses remain anonymized) allow monitoring the performance of the Website and improve the service offered, providing the User with a better browsing experience. Please refer to the dedicated Cookie Policy for further information.

Data collected via the Email platform

For complete information, we specify that in sending communications via email, FLICKMATES  uses a compliant platform, which, through statistical tracking systems, allows to detect the opening of a message, the clicks made on the hyperlinks contained within the email, from which IP address or with which type of browser the email is opened, and other similar details. The collection of such data is functional to the use of the platform and constitutes an integral part of the functionalities of the message sending system. The User can also easily object to further newsletter shipments by clicking on the appropriate link to revoke consent, which is present in each email containing the newsletter. Once consent is revoked, the Controller will send the User a message to confirm the revocation of consent.

  1. Legal Basis for processing

The processing of personal data is based on the right to information, the fulfillment of contractual obligations or social contact, or where necessary on consent through the free and aware filling of the appropriate information fields in the dedicated form.

  1. Legitimate interest of the Controller

The processing of personal data is also based on the legitimate interest of the Controller, such as the exercise of its rights in the context of the information society, the execution of the contractual performance, and the realization of direct marketing operations.

  1. Mandatory nature of the transfer

The provision of navigation data by Users, for the purposes mentioned above, depends on the level of privacy that the User has enabled or disabled through their browser. In some cases, disabling it could affect browsing on this Website

    Ask a Question

    We are available to provide you with information regarding the film, its theatrical release, and its promotion. We are here to assist you in purchasing products from Flickmates.